
Brianna G.

Carol is amazing in so many respects. Her oils are unique, clearly made with love and heart and true personalized intention. Her New Moon Intention Circles are the highlight of my month, facilitating a moment to connect with myself, learn from her and revisit my intentions throughout the year, in tune with each lunar cycle (not just on January 1st!). Her card readings are always insightful and powerful, reflecting exactly what I need to hear (notice I said, "need," not "want" 😂).

Her reiki is gentle and healing. Her angel workshops are absolutely incredible - you must experience this workshop to believe it. And she also ran both my natal chart and my transits for this year, which was not only so interesting and fascinating, but it has helped to guide me in those daily or weekly moments where we think, "WHAT is going on?" Often (always?!), it's in the stars.

I could go on and on, but when you have the opportunity to learn from Carol or experience her intuitive gifts, take it. You will not regret any interaction with Carol!

Meghan H.

Carol is one the most talented and intuitive women I know. She has helped me in so many ways. I highly recommend and have great faith in her!

DeJoux K.

I have so much love and admiration for Carol. Over the past few years, she has taught me so much about myself. She continues to help me in distance, any time I’ve reached out to her. I feel very blessed to be able to call her a friend, and I highly recommend Carol’s services that can bring so much peace. -

Jessenia N.

I love my Carlygirl products and chart interpretation from Carol. I had an amazing experience and have already begun recommending her to friends. She is a unique and knowledgeable soul working to bring love and light to others. Thank you!

Angela M.

“Although there are many spiritual workers available in the current climate, Carol Cleary’s deep intuitive power surpassed my expectations. I have benefited positively from her Reiki therapy, both by feeling her energy and the energy of loved ones guided in and received by her, providing a powerful, healing session.”

Kelly B.

“Carol Cleary is a gifted healer and teacher. Through her balanced, down to earth style - astrology becomes accessible to everyone and provides the opportunity to understand self and your purpose more clearly. Through reiki and oils - she helps you to receive guidance and ground information into your body. I am grateful for every session with Carol as I know transformation and clarity ring with each session. Thank you Carol!”

Kenny B.

“Carol is a fantastic resource for me. Her astrological insights and spiritual guidance are spot on and have been a wonderful insight into my place and journey in the universe. She has applied her varied astrological and spiritual training and experience to help me better understand my past, present and future challenges and opportunities. She has provided me with the information and education  to learn more about myself and those around me and tap into my own intuition and empathic capabilities. 

In addition to her astrological work, she has applied her Reiki master skills to assist me in becoming clearer, more balanced and in tune with myself and surroundings. Carol is such a warm, understanding and compassionate person and practitioner. She is easy to communicate with and open up to, listening intently and channeling spiritual support and guidance. Carol has been a great addition to my life's journey of healing, discovery and empowerment. I am so grateful for her support and guidance. I would wholeheartedly recommend Carol to help you unlock your potential and the gift the universe and spirit have to offer.”

Gabrielle A.

Carol has helped me in so many ways that I am eternally grateful for from Oracle card readings that were spot on and extremely insightful for my life and spiritual path/work, helping connect me with passed loved ones, connecting me with my birth chart and transit chart for 2020-2021 that she amazingly explained to me in person. I cannot explain how important that information has been for me.

Carol even gave me some advice on how to become more as one with my empath side and recommended some books that have made a world of difference in my everyday life. The Reiki she did on my shoulder and back because I was holding onto energy that did not serve me and things I had to work on was absolutely amazing. I felt the relief right away and no longer have any more of that pain or knots. I have no doubt in my mind that the universe aligned our paths for very important reasons and I cannot wait to see what else is to come on our connected paths!


I sought out Carol at the onset of a serious health condition. Her intuition as a gifted healer helped me find the strength and guidance needed to overcome this obstacle. Along the way, I found a path to my own spiritual awakening. Working with Carol continues to be an integral part of my overall health and spiritual wellbeing.

Michael C.

Carol reached out to me in early January after hearing  I had lost my partner followed by the loss of my brother the next day. The Healing Circle she leads has been very instrumental in my dealing with these deaths. Carol's love and genuine caring has helped me to continue forward knowing my love for those lost will forever be a part of me and my grief will make me a stronger person.

Susan H.

I highly recommend Angel reading, Reiki and having your Astrology chart done with Carol. She is a wonderful knowledgeable teacher / guide. Her Angel readings are insightful and accurate. I absolutely loved her Angel class. I learned so much. Her Astrology Charts and interpretations are amazing. Carol's Reiki treatments are so calming and relaxing. I left feeling so peaceful. Carol is a gentle, kindhearted person who makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. She has guided me through some very difficult times. I also love her Carlygirl oils!


I always feel my time with Carol is valuable and inspiring. In fact, I’ve recommended her to others who agree that Carol has helped them too become more in tune with themselves. Carol is a valid practitioner of astrology. Until I met Carol, I never had a desire to understand the stars on my own, but she has sparked my interest. I have found other work I’ve done with Carol also beneficial. Her kind and gentle approach combined with her insight guided me while I worked to understand my wounds, which in turn helped me heal. I am forever grateful.


Carol is very insightful and easy to connect with. Her calm and peaceful demeanor enhances her communication resulting in helpful, thought provoking and energizing sessions.