Testimonial: A Spiritual Session

“It doesn’t matter how old you are, how accomplished you are, or how badass you are…sometimes you just want a mom. Sometimes you just want someone to make it better.

Sometimes you’re not even sure what it is that you’re missing, or what it is that’s wrong. You can’t put your finger on it; you just know that you are feel conflicted, or stuck, or blocked somehow-as if there’s an invisible wall placed right in the path to your motivation and happiness.

The frustration of this state is real: the heaviness, the apathy, the awareness that you’re only using the tiniest portion of your potential, and there is still so much more that is possible for you.  As real as the frustration is, it is compounded by the fact that you simply DON’T KNOW WHAT’S ACTUALLY WRONG. You can’t define it, you don’t understand the cause of it; you just know that there is some sort of block that you can’t push through.

This is where Carol comes in.

Every molecule of her being radiates pure mother energy. Being in her presence is like being wrapped in an invisible, understanding embrace. I noticed my breathing change the moment I stepped into her office. Simply being around her immediately created a shift in my nervous system.

I have been to many psychics, mediums, and healers. I have NEVER felt such a strong sense of connection to the spirit world with anyone else. As I sat across from her, I felt someone standing behind me, gently stroking my hair. As soon as I noticed it, I saw Carol’s eyes shift to the exact spot where I felt that presence. “I feel like…” I began.

“Yes, you’ve got people here,” she said.

It was a blissful and otherworldly experience, physically experiencing these soft, gentle brushes over my hair, on my arm, on my shoulder. I suspect that my grandmothers were there, as I always used to beg them to play with my hair when I was a little girl. I felt enveloped in the most profound sense of peace and love, and I could have sat there all day basking in that feeling.

I discovered Carol when I was introduced to her oils. Her daughter, Carly, passed away in an accident years ago. Her spirit is still here, feeding Carol information to enhance her natural gifts of healing and magic. These incredible oils were created with the help of Carly, from the other side.

And yes, these oils truly ARE magical. I used them during a class once, and immediately needed to know how to get them. The aromas are delicious, but they also have a power. I have never had such a visceral reaction to a scent before; each one, although completely different, shot straight into my heart. They change your mood instantly.

After trying the scents, I spoke with Carol on the phone, and eventually booked a session…which is how I ended up in Peterborough NH after hitting an emotional wall and acknowledging that I needed something to push me out of my funk.

While I sat in her space, cushioned by spirits, she pulled out my astrology chart and began to go over some information with me. I’ve worked with many astrologers, and it is a very scientific, mathematical business. While she is obviously knowledgeable in this subject, Carol’s reading was unlike any I’ve had before, digging deeply into issues that I didn’t even know were holding me back. In fact, within 10 minutes I blurted out information that I had never discussed with anyone before; it was as if she was able to see my invisible wounds and clear out the infection. After a good cry, I felt reborn, as if a deep inner poison was finally extracted so that I could heal.

A session with Carol is like a tune-up for your soul. When you go to Carol, there is no cookie-cutter method that she uses. She is guided by spirit, and she uses a number of tools to assess and heal: Tarot, astrology, psychic seeing, reiki. The messages come through clearly, over and over; after her revelation from my astrology chart, she pulled some cards that told the same exact message. If you are someone who desires a great deal of validation in your mystical explorations, you will appreciate this.

Once I received the messages I needed to hear, it was time to get on the table for reiki healing. I am not normally very reactive to reiki. It can be relaxing, but I’ve rarely felt profound effects from it.

Carol, however, send me into another world, and then brought me back. I think my soul may have actually left my body, took a spin around an alternate universe, then made its way back. The power of the session blew me away; in fact, I had to sit down for a few minutes afterward so that I could come back into my body.

I’m not sure if I have ever noticed such a quick, deep shift after any type of healing session, including therapy. I was practically levitating as I left. Colors seemed brighter, the sun felt warmer. I simply felt fully alive and conscious of my every sense. That night, I had a strange tingling sensation in my chest that made me a little nervous, as it was unfamiliar. After a few minutes, I recognized it: it was pure joy. I can’t remember the last time I felt that physical sensation of joy.”

-Marisa F.