September 2023

September 3 

Venus turns Direct

Venus returns from retrograde motion. This will bring beneficial energy to our love lives and our finances. 

September 4

Jupiter turns Retrograde 

When Jupiter goes retrograde, it is a time to gather information that you will need to use in a timely manner. Jupiter will expand your horizons by showing you unusual perspectives. This will help you look at things from a different angle.

September 6

Sun in Virgo conjunct Mercury in Virgo

This is a great time for thinking up new ideas , analyzing and making new plans.

September 14


The New Moon is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo’s way is one of love, caring, and compassion for all things.  Virgo is a sign of emotional wisdom and inner alignment.  This New Moon supports focus, details, action- reorganizing, re-setting, and making new intentions. Take some to revisit what you want from your life - reset your intentions and make commitments on how you will proceed. You will be supported as long as you aren’t stuck by feelings of ambivalence, confusion, extreme caution - these feelings will hold you back. This New Moon starts a cycle of moving forward. Resistance to this will manifest as exhaustion, withdrawal, and apathy. This is a time to open up to your intuition and ask all your support to come in -in whatever form shows up. The guidance and signs from the invisible world will be easily seen and will show the way. 

Virgo energy helps with decluttering and reorganizing as we integrate the shifts of the intense astrology of the summer into our lives. Virgo shows the spiritual in our everyday tasks. 

This New Moon in Virgo has a strong relationship with health and the body, especially the small intestine and digestion. So there should be an emphasis on diet and metabolism. Virgo naturally aligns with what is pure and natural. Virgo asks us to heal ourselves and this healing begins in the body. Our job is to feel, work through and release all blocks- physical and emotional. 

Virgo is pure so begin by purifying your intentions- release the need to blame or judge others. 

Now it is time to write your wishes and intentions for this new cycle- for the new beginning.

So ask- ask for what you desire. Intend what you wish to be so. Feel the love, acceptance, and support of your special guide. Feel its energy swirl around you, giving life to your intentions. Feel the energy align with your thoughts, to your reality, feel it come to assist you in manifesting your wishes and, your dreams

Ruling planet ~ Mercury

Element ~ Earth

Modality ~ Mutable 

Angels to work with ~ Jophiel, Uriel, and Gabriel 

Crystals to work with ~ Moss agate, amazonite, amethyst, garnet, emerald, lodestone, snowflake obsidian, sapphire, sugilite

Herbs to work with caraway, dill, marjoram, chervil, mint, horehound, lavender

Colors to work with ~ green, pastel blue, peach, yellow, light purple


Mercury turns Direct

Yay! Mercury Retrograde is over and done with!  It will be easier to organize and communicate your thoughts and ideas now.

Sun Trine Uranus

Today is a lucky day!  And the energy is great. Uranus will let original self shine bright! 

September 19

Sun opposite Neptune 

This is a day to watch your words and to not repeat other’s words. . Neptune can put a veil over information so that not everything is as it seems. 

September 22

Sun Enters Libra 

The energy now shifts to partnerships, relationships, harmony and balance. Fall begins and the days become shorter. 

September 23 

Autumn Equinox 

The word equinox means equal night! This is a day when the light and the dark are of equal lengths. Thi is the time of year that we are saying goodbye to Summer and welcoming in Autumn. This is the time to honor the changing season, a time to slow down that gives us the chance to start again. A time to regain our balance and ask for guidance so that we iv ein harmony. The Autumn Equinox heralds the beginning of Libra Season. Libra is all about balance, harmony, and relationships. 

This is a wonderful time for self reflection and recognizing your spiritual awareness. 

 Use the energy of Aries to start the changes-allow yourself to really examine what you truly want for yourself only. Everyone in your life will benefit from this. As you allow yourself to express your needs and wants, those around you will see that they can do the same. Let go of the fear of change. It does not serve you. Have faith that you will be supported in becoming who you were always meant to be. 

Crystals to work with are moonstone, sunstone, magnetite, tiger’s eye, shamanic dream stone.

Autumn Equinox Rituals 

Light a candle to acknowledge the light within the dark. Write a gratitude list to acknowledge the blessings and the lessons learned and acknowledge who you are. 

September 27

Sun Opposite Saturn 

This is energy that may restrict our ability to express ourselves. 


October 2023 Astrology


August 2023